


What do you strive for?

Friday, April 04, 2008

Inspired Post

After noticing a change in focus over a Misintentions, I have a new found inspiration to write a pseudo review (edit: rant) about a game I've pretty much handed my life over to as of the past couple months, Battlefield 2. I already know what you're thinking, "What the hell, that game is like 10 YEARS OLD!". You know what, fuck you. I just recently acquired enough money to buy it, so this is a new thing for me! Speaking of which, the price is a huge plus, costing only $10 at this point.

First of all, anyone that knows me, knows that I don't like paying for software. This is the main reason why I haven't played this game until now. A secondary reason is that when the game came out, my computer wasn't able to play that game very well (640x480, details low, view distance low, low... low..., you get the picture). When the game first came out, I did however play the single player a bit, as well as playing on some online 'alternative' servers (which sucked btw). Don't ask how I acquired a copy.

Recently though, after picking the game up on a whim, I started the game up with full details and resolution; my computer ran it like a champ! Pretty sweet I must say. Graphics aside, this game rocks. Anyone looking for a 'standard' fps experience will probably be pretty disappointed though, partly because of people like me. You see, I like helicopters... a lot. Every time I play, I whore them to no extent, massacring peon after peon laughing the whole time. I just can't get enough. I rarely pick up any other vehicle unless I am forced to. I know that I don't play the game "right", but I think "Why do I play games in the first place?". The answer to that question is: fun. Choppers are just too much fun for me to pass up. If I don't grab them and have hella fun, someone ELSE is having boatloads of fun instead of me...

The game has to have a major workforce (infantry/tanks/etc). Unfortunately, people that see the light like me, sometimes take the choppers and don't give me a chance. That's ok I guess. Other than the fact that the infantry SUCKS, its not so bad... The shooting mechanics suck horribly. It's almost impossible to hit anything that isn't standing completely still. Usually I just find myself guarding a flag because I know if I happen to venture out too far, a helicopter or plane will hone in on me and blow me to pieces without a second thought. Enough about the shitty part of the game.

Really, I can't find much else to say about the game. I play the game more as a helicopter game than a war game. I do help cap flags and provide support for my teammates(I AM a team player, don't get any ideas!), but I just can't bring myself to do anything other than flying/gunning(for the heli).

So in conclusion, if you ever get bored and feel like killing mass amounts of (computerized) people, give Battlefield 2 another look. Preferably, from the seat of a helicopter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the game thoroughly. I picked it up a couple years ago on the PS2 on a Friday night and beat the campaign by 4:00 Saturday. I never got a chance to do the multiplayer on it, but I heard nothing but good things about it when it came out. I don't know if the PC version had the hotswap feature, but that shit was fun.

Tanks and choppers ftw.

I would really like to check out Battlefield 2142. I downloaded the demo for PC, but I can't play it for the same reasons you mentioned. With the graphics turned way down it really is unplayable. One of my brothers was in a clan for 2142 that was comprised of nothing but people in the armed forces (excluding him). He played the hell out of it and said it was really damn good. Now he's switched it up to Frontlines: Fuel of War and I think that he likes it.

3:39 PM, April 04, 2008  
Blogger Adam said...

Hmmm, I'll have to check out Frontlines.

As for Battlefield 2142, DO NOT WANT. No offense of course, the game was just too... arcadish(? can't find the perfect word ATM) for me. If you've played Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, you probably know the feeling.

It just felt like a flop to me (I'm not sure if it actually was/is). Again, seeing as how I like free software, I never got the chance to see what online was like, so maybe it redeems itself there.

5:59 PM, April 04, 2008  

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