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Sunday, June 01, 2008

New TV

I'm finally thinking about getting a new TV. Not being an expert on the subject by ANY means, I had to sit down for awhile and do some research. First thing I notice is that there are a LOT of TVs, and it seems like everyone likes different TVs; there doesn't seem to be a consensus on a best bang for your buck TV. Makes choosing a TV seem more like an art than a science...

Right now, I'm looking at getting the KDL-40V4100 from Sony. I can get one of these with a 3 year warranty for $1260 shipped, which is a little pricey, but very doable. Is the warranty even worth it? I am not certain if there is a standard manufacturers warranty that comes with it. The 3 year warranty cost $99, which isn't bad, but I don't really know how much I really need it. Thoughts?

Also, if you have some burning desire to shoot down my choice of TV, then by all means, go for it. I would consider myself "very lacking" in HDTV knowledge. Two things to keep in mind though: 1080p a must, and 40"+ preferred.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My two concerns would be that I've heard it's a little more dim than some of the other series of Sony LCD tvs and that it's lacking the motion shit that they added... motion flow or something like that. Not deal-breaker but something to consider, especially with videogames/sports. Sony TVs are notorious for being the best on the market, so I doubt that you'd be too let down with any of their series.

As far a warranties go, most TVs have a 1 year manufacturer warranty, but when it comes to a big purchase I think it's worth it to basically pay for an extended one. You're essentially insuring your TV for a little longer, and I think that if you're willing to spend that kind of money it couldn't hurt to go a little more to make absolutely sure it lasts a little longer.

9:42 PM, June 01, 2008  
Blogger Adam said...

120Hz is a little out of my price range right now. Would be nice though.

I haven't yet read anything about the brightness other than the settings are seemingly very coarse. Hard to fine tune them apparently.

7:22 AM, June 02, 2008  
Blogger A.M. said...

I dunno wtf that 120hz is, I think I've seen it on display at bestbuy or whatever and I think it looks like garbage.

A lot of credit cards will actually extend your warranty up to an extra year on purchase you make (ie AMEX Blue) which kinda makes the extended warranty pointless. Most stuff, if it's going to break, will happen within the first few months of ownership.

I believe tv prices roughly cut in half two years or so, as I bought a 32" 720p in '06 for what you are considering right now for a 40" 1080p.

10:27 PM, June 10, 2008  
Blogger A.M. said...

1080p chinchilla baby!

10:30 PM, June 10, 2008  
Blogger Adam said...

Yea, I really need to get a credit card before making this purchase anyway; however, I despise the thought of getting one.

7:47 PM, June 11, 2008  
Blogger kc said...

i've been thinking of getting metal gear chinchilla4 for the new 1080p chinchilla.

what do you guys think? y/n

8:01 PM, June 12, 2008  

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