


What do you strive for?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Human Validation

While working, during my long hours of introspection, I often think of really odd things. Many of these things are questions to which I have no answers. Why do I think of questions to which I can't find an answer? Is this what keeps my mind excited enough to start another day of exploring? Eh, that topic is for another day...

One question, which I was pondering today, was "Why do humans need validation from other humans to feel correct in their beliefs?". Do we not have enough belief in ourselves to be able to make rational decisions/actions? Do I not know myself better than other people? These are questions which keep getting linked to other questions, and the cycle never seems to stop. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it immensely ;) . But the question remains, why do I occupy my mindspace with these seemingly pointless (yet interesting) questions? Is it because I can't think of anything relevant to think about? Ok, now that you've had a look into my questioning type of mind, I'll stop with the damn question marks.

I guess I can only speak for myself when I say that humans need validation for their actions/beliefs. But I can still have an opinion on the matter. I believe that we have much more knowledge than we consciously believe we have, but in order to kind of keep ourselves in check, so to speak, we need validation to make sure we aren't going insane (in a figurative sense). That's why when someone is in a period of non-human contact for a significant amount of time, they seem insane or weird to the "regular" person who observes them.

Although these "hermit" types of behavior aren't normally accepted in society today, I feel that there might be some type of benefit to them when actually living by yourself (defense mechanisms, etc.). I believe that these behaviors are just a normal reaction that can happen to anyone who is put in the same situation of isolation. I'm sure this is well documented in the study of psychology, but the question is still there. Why do we feel like we need validation from other humans? They are just humans themselves, why would their opinion be better, or even matter? Are we subconsciously feeding off of their experiences/knowledge to make sure we're acting "right"? Or maybe it's just a big ego trip, and 99.9% of the population is guilty of it. If you don't live in isolation, then yes, I'm talking about you.


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