


What do you strive for?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Forgive Them

"Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."
-The Bible

I believe in most all conflict situations, this holds true. It should be obvious that one cannot fully experience someone else's view on a certian sitation. I believe that if one were able to fully understand another's view, maybe acts which are considered hateful/distructive would not be carried out. Maybe I'm just an optimist?

Even if I am totally off base here, there is one strong plus side to this belief. It makes forgiving people/situations come almost naturally. I mean you come to a point sometimes where you have to choose not necessarily the most true view, but the most efficient/logical view. I really would like to take the truest view, but in order to do so, much time is needed to actually investigate and put some proof behind it. Maybe I'm just lazy...


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