


What do you strive for?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Why do we wear masks? It's actually quite a bit harder to wear a mask than to actually just act from pure emotion. There are many different sub levels of thinking when using a mask. Really, is all this brain power being used really worth it? Will wearing this "social mask" help me in any way? Why do I still wear a mask even when I try not to? I think most of it just comes down to insecurity. The more insecurity you have the LESS of a mask you wear. I don't believe that it is normally possible to NOT wear a mask in social situations.

Just think, if you didn't wear a mask, social decisions would be so easy. You'd just have to act on pure emotion. I guess that could get kind of messy, but you'd feel a lot better about yourself. People would know how you really feel and would accept you as you are rather than who you pretend to be.

I try to break my mask down more and more each day. Someday I hope to have a very thin mask and people will know me for who I really am. Someday.

PS: If you're thinking, "This guy wears a mask?! For shame!", you need to learn about a technique called "introspection" because your mask is so thick you can't even see out eye holes.


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