
What do you strive for?
Fucking Yea!
I got the job! This is the best freaking day ever!!
I was told under the table, so I'm supposed to act surprised when the tell me for 'real'.
Leaving My Apartment for the Summer
Fallout 3
BADASS, this thing might actually come out! Their website says they will have a teaser coming out in about a month, and I can't wait to see what it's gonna be like. Fallout 1/2 are still my favorite games, with nothing else really coming close IMO. The open-endedness, off color humor, and grittiness is uncanny.
Apparently, the demo of the 'old' Fallout 3 (developed by Black Isle I believe) was also released (leaked?). You can find a copy of that here. I haven't tried it out, and I'm not really sure if I will. I don't want to play another shitty rendition of Fallout (see Fallout Tactics).
On another note, I turned down a job in Noblesville for the hopes of receiving a job in the Fort. I have my second interview with the head guy Monday, so wish me luck. Otherwise, I'll be laying carpet or worse, nothing. The job in Noblesville was an OK job I suppose, but the pay was terrible, and the work they did wasn't really down my alley at all. They also didn't give any type of housing options, and I'd end up spending half my check on housing. We'll see how everything is gonna turn out in about a week or so (fingers crossed).