


What do you strive for?

Monday, May 26, 2008

New Job

As I sit here thinking(and drinking some fine $7 wine), I've come to the conclusion that I enjoy my job so far. I am very pleased with the amount of work and freedom I have been given, and on the horizon, the expected responsibilities to come. Although I'm not doing anything ground breaking by any means, I do enjoy what I am doing. They have me converting this 'vintage' VB6 application to the 'newer' VB 2005 standard. Not only is VB6 foreign to me, whomever coded it did a TERRIBLE job. I've honestly tried not saying that, but honestly, its BAD. Roughly 20-40% of the code is unneeded ('test code', commented out, or reduntant) code, the style is extremely inconsistent, and comments are rarely seen. Although the task is somewhat challenging for me, I really enjoy it and feel that I actually have a lot to offer the team (who would've thought?). I have really been learning a lot so far.

Also, I like my new laptop (bribery, as my dad calls it). The screen resolution (1920x1200) makes my desktop look like Lite-Brite. For a second, I was thinking "Hey, maybe I should get a laptop for my next computer?". I looked up roughly how much it cost, and decided maybe a desktop would be a better choice after all ;)

Anyways, I just thought I would do an update, seeing as I haven't written anything worthwhile in here in awhile. Hope everyone is doing well. If you read this Paul, I read your post, are you getting ready to get placed permanently? How's that process going?

Friday, May 16, 2008

New Apartment

K and I just moved into a the new apartment Wednesday. Here's a little picture tour of the semi-furnished premises:

We live on the second floor, so you have to walk up the stairs right when you walk in the front door. The door on the left is the garage door, which we didn't opt for.

Here's the kitchen. Nothing really noteworthy other than there is a LOT of storage space. Too many drawers and cabinets. Decently sized coat closet to the left.

This is a terrible picture of the "TV" side of the main room. As you can see we have no furniture, a crappy TV, and two too many mini-fridges.

A shot of the "Computer" side of the main room. Nice big sliding doors out to the deck. The lighting during the day is really nice.

Here's a shot of the bedroom. Still have some stuff to put up yet. Yes, we forgot to put on the bed skirt. We also forgot the mattress pad, but who's counting?

Here's another shot of the bedroom. The closet isn't really that big. Somewhat disappointing.

A shot of the bathroom. Yes, that tub is massive. Yes, it is badass. Linen closet hidden to the right as well.

A shot of the utility room. The electric heater and skimpy water heater are to the left (unseen). As you can see on the right, I actually graduated. Notice the yellow cords. /end gloat

Here's a shot of the back view off the deck. Nothing super exciting, but at least I'm not staring at someone looking back at me.

All in all, I can see a lot of potential with the place. You can't tell from the pictures (due to my terrible picture taking ability), but there is a large section of unused real estate between the kitchen and main room. Also, we
really need more furniture (couch coming tomorrow hopefully) and a real TV (none of this SD bullshit).