New Job
As I sit here thinking(and drinking some fine $7 wine), I've come to the conclusion that I enjoy my job so far. I am very pleased with the amount of work and freedom I have been given, and on the horizon, the expected responsibilities to come. Although I'm not doing anything ground breaking by any means, I do enjoy what I am doing. They have me converting this 'vintage' VB6 application to the 'newer' VB 2005 standard. Not only is VB6 foreign to me, whomever coded it did a TERRIBLE job. I've honestly tried not saying that, but honestly, its BAD. Roughly 20-40% of the code is unneeded ('test code', commented out, or reduntant) code, the style is extremely inconsistent, and comments are rarely seen. Although the task is somewhat challenging for me, I really enjoy it and feel that I actually have a lot to offer the team (who would've thought?). I have really been learning a lot so far.
Also, I like my new laptop (bribery, as my dad calls it). The screen resolution (1920x1200) makes my desktop look like Lite-Brite. For a second, I was thinking "Hey, maybe I should get a laptop for my next computer?". I looked up roughly how much it cost, and decided maybe a desktop would be a better choice after all ;)
Anyways, I just thought I would do an update, seeing as I haven't written anything worthwhile in here in awhile. Hope everyone is doing well. If you read this Paul, I read your post, are you getting ready to get placed permanently? How's that process going?
Also, I like my new laptop (bribery, as my dad calls it). The screen resolution (1920x1200) makes my desktop look like Lite-Brite. For a second, I was thinking "Hey, maybe I should get a laptop for my next computer?". I looked up roughly how much it cost, and decided maybe a desktop would be a better choice after all ;)
Anyways, I just thought I would do an update, seeing as I haven't written anything worthwhile in here in awhile. Hope everyone is doing well. If you read this Paul, I read your post, are you getting ready to get placed permanently? How's that process going?