
What do you strive for?
Pong Balancing
It's in French, but I have faith you can figure it out. 21.146 seconds was my best before I punched a hole through my monitor.
I had this really weird dream/sensation last night roughly 1hr after I had initially gone to sleep. In my dream, I started to feel an awareness; I started to become lucid. I was extremely afraid to becomes lucid for some reason. I just wanted to leave. I immediately attempted to wake up, and I did so. I took a quick look at the clock and realized what had happened. I realized that there was nothing to fear, so I attempted to gain lucidity again.
As I was relaxing into my state of sleep, I all of a sudden felt like I was being propelled through space at an increasing speed. What was weird was the fact that I had some type of audio distortion that seemed to grow with the speed that I was traveling at. It came to a point where it was 'sufficiently' intense, and everything became calm again. I was in.
I was completely clueless as to where I was. It was a void. I forgot that there was a 'real' world that I had just left behind. There was only black for a short time and then there was a face. I felt like this face was an entity of some sort, it was a really weird feeling. This face then proceeded to flash and morph into different faces. It kept flipping faces faster and faster. At this point, I am becoming more and more uneasy. I kept thinking that the faces would turn evil. I began to panic again. So after some delay, I woke up.
Thinking about the dream later, I was quite confused on where all of these faces had come from. Of the faces that I saw, I don't remember seeing any before. It is quite probably that these are faces mental constructions of faces that I had made up in my mind. With that logic being acknowledged, I keep thinking that these are real faces though. Like these faces belong to real people. Very weird dream.
People keep writing the Exponent in an effort to either say that marijuana is "good" in the eyes of god, or "bad" in the eyes of god. It really just pisses me off. Both arguments are completely ludicrous. One side says that "oh, it says in the Bible that god thinks all seed bearing plants are 'good', so therefore smoking marijuana is good!". The other side says that "Well, if you look DEEPER, it says that drunkards and meateaters are gluttons and both have clouded minds because of it. This means that marijuana is 'bad'!". I just want to write a letter to tell these fuckers to shut the hell up and quit trying to rationalize their beliefs with a piece of old text. Futhermore, both of these arguments are completely fucked and have no real evidence that their quotes are referencing marijuana in the slightest. Apparently "alcohol + meat == marijuana" now?
There were typos to boot. Screw the Exponent, I don't know why I even pick it up.
PS: I could see this getting posted if I sent it in. It's that bad.
Get Hype
I just came across The Hype Machine. It seems like a really cool concept to find new music. I have not really had the time or motivation lately to actually seek new music. We all know that the radio/TV won't do it for us... I haven't really looked through much of the stuff on the site yet, there is so much to choose from, I just really liked the idea of it.
I'm sure there is some really good stuff on here. Let me know if you find anything good. I just listened to "Die Prinzen", so I know theres got to be some more slammin' stuff on here.
Chicken and Mushrooms, mmmmm...
Chicken, mushrooms, and Munster cheese along with some stuffed mushrooms. Oh yea, and some random wine that did not go well with either.