


What do you strive for?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Xbox360 or PS3?

I still don't know which of these two systems I want to get. I really like the Xbox, but the PS3 just seems like a lot more quality hardware wise. Also, the Xbox has had so many problems that I would be afraid that it would turn out to be a $400 paperweight. Then again, if the PS3 doesn't get any good games, that would be a $500 paperweight from the beginning...

Good thing I don't have enough money to buy either of the two systems, or have an HDTV to play them on. Looks like I won't need to be making a decision for awhile.

On another note, I decided to quit smoking Tuesday. It's my first "real" attempt. Write that shit down in the history books. It's only been a couple days, but I keep getting these weird sensations where I keep attempting to grab my left jean pocket, realise I don't have any cigarettes, realise I quit smoking, feel extremely akward, realise there's nothing I can do to stop the akwardness. So I end up grabbing a piece of gum and chewing profusely until I forget what I was thinking about.

The actual physical withdraw isn't really too bad; I've had a few headaches, multiple times of feeling "unfulfilled" (whatever that means), but other than that, it hasn't been too terrible. Mentally, it's been a whole different story, it seems like my whole mindset is just thrown into a whirlwind. I can't seem to forget that I crave a cigaratte. It's not even that smoking a cigarette would feel that good, its just that I can't stop thinking about it at times. Honestly, if I smoked a cigaratte right now, I would probably feel nausous and ten minutes later, want to smoke another one. It's just a cycle I want to break. I want to see what it feels like to not have my life revolve around something so stupid as a cigarette.

Well, if nothing else, trying to quit has given me a sense of creative energy. Atleast I can think about how much of a hold cigarettes have on my life while trying to quit them at the same time. Seems like a good strategy. This will be an experiement of sorts.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

OiNK Is Down, For Good

I finally find a reliable site to find music, and it soon becomes an "example" that the record industry uses to make an anti-piracy point. I'd like to make a point. I like my fair share of piracy, and OiNK going down doesn't stop that, it just makes me pissed off.

EDIT: Here's some developing information coming from the other side of the fence.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Idle Thoughts

As time passes, it seems as though my drive for finding answers to my internal questions becomes less and less. I remember a time where a large portion of my day-to-day brain processing was spent on trying to figure out why I acted the way I did, or why other people acted the way they did. It kept me in an intrigued/amused sort of state of mind.

It wasn't just this human interaction that intrigued me either. I also spent a substantial amount of time thinking about religion/spirituality/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. It always felt like there was something that if I learned it, I would feel much more fulfilled. I don't know if I ever really found what I was looking for, but the point is, why did I stop on this quest for "enlightenment"?

Day-to-day now, I feel/think like I perceive a "normal" person should. I think about what I'm going to eat, what kind of work I have to do, how much time do I have, etc. I rarely have any "novel" thoughts like I used to have on a daily basis.

It's not like my life sucks, because it's quite the contrary; I am very much enjoying where I am in my life, I have an awesome girlfriend, and I feel like I have a bright future ahead of me. There is definitely a lot to be happy about. It just feels at times that in the process of striving to build a "normal" and comfortable life, I have lost something in the process.

Here's to hoping we can all find something we've lost in the process of living our lives. :cheers: